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Biomechanics for Birth


Sure. Biomechanics is the study of the forces and interactions that govern the movement of living bodies. When it comes to birth, biomechanics can be used to understand how the baby moves through the birth canal, and how the mother's body responds. This information can be used to develop strategies for making birth more comfortable and safer for both mother and baby.

Here is a summary of some of the key biomechanics principles involved in birth:

  • The baby's skull is made up of several plates that are not fully fused together at birth. This allows the baby's skull to mold as it passes through the birth canal, which helps to reduce the risk of injury.
  • The baby's head is the largest part of its body, so it is usually the first part to emerge from the birth canal. The baby's head is also very heavy, so it can exert a lot of pressure on the mother's cervix and pelvic floor.
  • The mother's cervix is a muscular opening at the bottom of the uterus. During labor, the cervix dilates (opens) to allow the baby to pass through. The mother's pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the uterus, bladder, and rectum. During labor, the pelvic floor muscles relax to allow the baby to pass through.
  • The mother's uterus contracts (tightens) during labor to push the baby down the birth canal. The contractions also help to dilate the cervix.
  • The mother's body produces hormones during labor that help to relax the muscles in the cervix and pelvic floor. These hormones also help to stimulate the contractions of the uterus.

By understanding the biomechanics of birth, healthcare professionals can develop strategies to help mothers and babies have a safe and comfortable birth experience. For example, they may use positioning techniques to help the baby move through the birth canal more easily, or they may provide support to the mother's pelvic floor muscles.

It is important to note that biomechanics is just one aspect of birth. Other factors, such as the mother's emotional and physical well-being, also play a role.

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Hello lovely one, I'm Nat. I am a devoted birth and postnatal doula, passionate about supporting birthing people to be informed and empowered during their journey through pregnancy and beyond. I am blessed to be a birth worker that had the support of a doula during my own pregnancy and birth. This experience is partly what drives my passion for working with birthing people. I wish for all new parents to have the opportunity to be nurtured and supported to make informed choices during this time.

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Biomechanics for Birth